Football Team Photos

The picture seems to be taken at Beef Meadow and indicates there was a basic stand there.
Over the years lots of team photos have been taken - and fortunately, many of these have been stored at the town museum together with the names of the people seen on the pictures.
This page is presenting a relatively random collection of pictures that we currently have available. You'll find that where we have names available to match the pictures, clicking on the 'Labels' button will show these on the picture. Click again to turn them off. Also, if you run the cursor over the picture, you will find the individual names will appear.
If you have information on the team members, please let us know - you may well enable us to fill some of the gaps. Use the 'Feedback' page for the information.
Most of the pictures are members of the playing teams but occasionally they are teams of officers or behind-the-scenes organisers.