Cromer West Beach

In 2024 the constant battering of the sea means that a plan to put rock armour, granite blocks, in front of the promenade, is to go ahead, up to the second groyne from the pier. This 3D view shows the area to be protected, and we've taken the opportunity to link in some views of the area from over the last century and a half.

We've put a date on for each photograph. If it's an estimated year, we've indicated that by 'circa' in the linked text. For more details of the rock armour scheme, see and linked pages.

Manipulating the 3D element will depend on the device and browser that you're using. On a Windows computer, left, right and middle buttons all offer different means of control. For a Mac, the controls are slightly different, mixed with the key.. For a touch screen, phone or tablet, single-finger and double-finger swipes or pinches will be the way to enlarge, shrink and rotate the 3D view. We'll leave you to sort it out!